Reasons to Euthanize a Dog

Reasons to Euthanize a Dog

A painful chronic illness or the unnecessary suffering of an elderly dog ​​can be reasons to opt for euthanasia

Practicing euthanasia to the dog can be one of the most complicated moments of the relationship with the animal. The veterinary death of the family can usually cause anguish, so the decision must be taken as serenely as possible. Knowing the reasons indicated for <a href=””>Pet Home Euthanasia Orange County of the dog will help to make this complicated decision.

Choosing the right time to practice euthanasia to the dog is a delicate step, causing traumatic episodes for the family. Not all members of the house can be prepared to face a hard time saying goodbye to the animal. Making the decision calmly, and with information, is key when it comes to addressing the medical death of the dog.

Euthanasia means causing the dog to die, with certain drugs, in a placid way, without pain, fear, or anxiety.

For the controlled veterinary death of our pet to possess this kindness content, it must meet at least certain requirements, according to the World Society for Animal Protection (WSPA).

The absence of pain at the time of the pet’s death is the golden rule when veterinary death is provided. The medication administered must also ensure that our friend loses consciousness as soon as possible so that he is not awake when death occurs. Another of the requirements that must be demanded of a euthanasia medication is that its application is “irreversible”.

When to euthanize the dog

The delicate state of health of the dog, the economic situation of the family, which can not always assume the expensive treatments for certain chronic diseases of the dog, or the serious deficiencies in the physical and mental state of the pet due to age, are some of the reasonable reasons to opt, prior veterinary examination, for euthanasia of the dog.

The weak health of a dog, or the advanced state of certain painful irreversible chronic diseases, such as cancer, can be the reason to provide our dog when the time comes, the dignified death it deserves. The degenerative diseases involving unbearable suffering for the dog, vital failures of certain organs or excessive damage because of a serious accident, are some of the reasons justifying euthanasia of the dog.

In any case, a detailed medical examination by the veterinarian will guide the owner in knowing exactly what the health status of your pet is. This analysis will also help you make the best decision about whether or not to end our friend’s life in a medical way.

Elderly dogs

Not all dogs become elderly at the same age. In the world of the can, aging does not only depend on turning years. It also influences the size of the animal. Small dogs are longer than large breeds. While a large dog, above 25 kilos, is considered senior at age five, a small dog, up to ten kilos, is not old until he turns seven. For a medium-sized dog, which weighs between ten and 25 kilos, the third age reaches seven years.

There are dogs that can arrive without notable health problems up to 15 years or even more. However, after the age of 13, serious or irreversible health problems related to the dog’s advanced age may appear. If these ailments are irreversible and cause the animal to suffer unnecessarily, it may be time to consider euthanasia as a worthy death option.

The joviality of an elderly dog ​​can serve as an indication to know that it enjoys a good quality of life and that it lacks relevant health problems. On the contrary, when an elderly animal is sad or decayed, it may be a sign that there are serious and lacerating chronic ailments, and then euthanasia may be an appropriate option. A veterinary examination will help you, in any case, to determine which option is the most appropriate.

A death without suffering

The absence of pain and sedation or previous total anesthesia are some of the requirements necessary to consider euthanasia as adequate. But the psychology of the dog must also be taken into account. In this regard, the World Society for Animal Protection (WSPA) believes that the controlled death of the dog should involve the least suffering for the animal. “Euthanasia has to minimize the fear our pet may feel,” they say from the animal protection organization.

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